The Beyond Sleep Training Project

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Read When: You're Doubting the Outcomes of Parenting This Way

Lack of sleep, toddler tantrums, long days where you are counting down the minutes to bedtime or dreading it? It can be a hard road especially when we are faced with lots of ‘examples’ of other babies and toddlers sleeping through. If you’re starting to doubt your parenting path, the below articles will restore your faith.

How Attachment Parenting Produces Independent Kids - Melanie Mayo-Laakso

Why Early Attachment Matters - Melanie Mayo-Laakso

Co-Sleeping Best for Kids up to Three Years Old - Mothering Magazine

What Children Don’t “Need” Can Still Help Them - Dr Tracy Cassels

The Snooze Traps - Dr Tracy Cassels

Does Your Baby Junk Sleep? 4 Surprising Facts About Baby Sleep - Yvette Jenkins- O’Dowd for BellyBelly

(Dear Mainstream Parent) I Used to be one of you - Nicole Gorring at Integrity Calling

Attachment [Full collection of articles in PDF format] Encyclopedia Of Early Childhood Development

6 Hidden Myths Behind Baby Sleep Training Advocacy - Darcia Narvaez Ph.D.

The health effects of sensitive, responsive parenting - Gwen Dewar PhD Parenting Science

Guest Post - Attachment Intellectual Parenting - Bridget McGann

What sort of humans (do) we want to raise in an increasingly unstable and sadly empathy-starved world. What sort of person do we want to have the nuclear launch codes forty years from now? What sort of leaders do we want advising that person? What sort of doctors do we want treating patients? What sort of CEOs do we want to be working for? If you want those people to be people with high levels of empathy, a history of pro-social behavior, and the ability to behave compassionately towards people who live on the other side of the planet from them, then I have GREAT news for the American public: There are well-supported, scientific ways to go about that. No, they’re not guarantees. There’s no such thing as a recipe for raising a perfect adult. What we’re talking about, here, is creating the right conditions — an environment that is conducive to healthy development. We’re talking about minimizing risk. Decreasing the odds that, should your child be born with, say, a neurological deficiency in the areas of empathy or morality, decreasing risk of that neurology manifesting in antisocial ways before symptoms develop. Environment mitigating the effects of maladaptive genetics.