Outlined below are answers to some of the most popular questions asked by the members of our Facebook Group. An extensive list of resources have been included and these will continue to be updated as we gather more information.
If you cannot find an answer to your question here we encourage you to join our Facebook Group for more personalised support.
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My newborn/baby will only sleep in my arms, what can I do to get them down? I can’t get anything done!
My baby only sleeps 20 - 45 min/takes cat naps, how can I make their day sleep longer?
My baby wants to feed every wake up but they can’t be hungry every time, can they?
How can my partner get our baby to sleep? They just want mum and it’s stifling!
My baby was sleeping through the night at three months, but then four months hit and it all went south. What happened?
My baby will only fall asleep at the breast but I’m returning to work so I need to break this habit, what do I do?
My baby only sleeps on me but they start day-care soon, should I start transitioning them to sleeping alone?
My baby is waking so many times each night and I am exhausted. I have tried everything to get them sleeping longer but nothing works, what can I do to survive? Is this even normal?
How do I safely bedshare?
I can’t/don’t want to safely bedshare, what else can I do?
My Pediatrician/Child Health Nurse/ Home Visitor/ GP have told me that my baby doesn’t need night feeds at this age, and I should cut back, how do I night wean?
My baby is waking very early in the morning, do you have any tips to help them sleep until a bit later?
I am being told that if I never teach my baby to self soothe they’ll need me to help them to sleep forever and they won’t get the restorative sleep they need, is this true?
What is going on with my 8 - 10 month old? She used to sleep so well and now our nights are so hard! What do I do?
My baby is 11-13 months and is waking so frequently still, when will this get better?
I am keen to try some gentle night weaning with my 18 month old, what are your top tips?
How do you know when your baby’s sleep isn’t normal? What should I look out for?
Tell me again why I don’t want to sleep train?
Is there an age when bedsharing becomes problematic/weird?
My toddler is still waking and feeding throughout the night. Is this normal? I thought sleep was supposed to be better by now!
My toddler is fighting bed time and waking up during the night. What can I do?
How much sleep is ‘enough’?
I’m struggling with my mental health, what can I do?
I keep hearing the term ‘high needs baby’. What does this mean? Aren’t all babies high needs?
My child’s sleep has improved, but now I am having trouble sleeping. What can I do?